- The first publication on behalf of CINC is finally out! thanks to the relentless work by Anne Pham-Huy and Geoff Cuvelier’s guidance. Congratulations!
You can check it out here:
An important first approach at raising awareness of IEI in First Nations and Nunavut Inuit children to try to help them better and with the hope that this work can be expanded through the Canadian IEI National Registry led by the CINC Registry Working Group. - The CINC representation (~40 members who were speakers, moderators, poster presenters, even musicians!) and dinner at the CIS 2024 annual meeting were a success. We earned our honorary 100th CINC member there with Maxime Paquin from Quebec. Pictures of this will be posted in the website soon.
- Our official launch as a non-for-profit organization and announcements to all related and partner organizations/patient advocacy groups/previous sponsors has been taken very positively and many of them have shared the news through their newsletters, websites, and social media platforms (CRDN, CSACI, AllerGen, CBS, CIAN, etc. ). I encourage all of you to keep spreading the word as this helps strengthen our sustainability. Also, please reach out if you’d like to be more involved in all the different projects and/or in the Network in general.
- Our website continues to improve and we continue to work on the development of Phase 2. If you haven’t check it out please do so: CIN-Canada. The vision is to ultimately create an interactive space within the website to enhance or communication and collaboration within the Network. Stay tuned for that.
- CAAIF-CSACI-Mitacs Research Grant in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Application deadline September 17th.
CAAIF-CSACI-Mitacs Research Grant in Allergy and Clinical Immunology (
- A prime editing clinical trial for p47 Chronic Granulomatous Disease will soon open in some Canadian centres, one of which is CHU-Ste. Justine. It is industry driven/sponsored (Prime Medicine | Delivering on the promise of Prime Editing). If you have any non-transplanted p47 CGD patients please reach out to Elie Haddad at